Zambians Condemn The Conspiracy Against Dr. Mahtani

It is said that good work always pays off. Some people receive the fruits quickly; others receive when it is the right time. We all know that Zambia Report is among the most notorious news channels of Zambia. Its tactics and strategy are only to ruin the reputation of its targets. It has been launching series of attacks against Dr. Mahtani for almost a decade. These attacks have intensified over the last couple of years. However, all these activities have resulted in Zambia Reports is becoming a mockery of itself. The reason is enormous support for Dr. Mahtani from Industries and common citizens alike.


Zambia Report has always been a money making business entity. The news channel never cared for anything apart from monetary gains. Even if these have resulted in slow but steady loss of its credibility and reputation. They are happy to be called as villains of the nation as long as they are receiving ample incentives for this. Even if this means publishing fake news like the latest publication by Zambia Reports. The news channel recently published an article claiming that BancABC’s decision to call Lamsaat for loan repayment was actually forced by Dr. Mahtani. It further claimed that Dr. Mahtani was secretly controlling Finance Bank and it was his old habit to put targets in difficult situation so that he can take control of their operations. These types of accusations are not only ridiculous but very demeaning for honest businessmen like Dr. Mahtani.

The only reason Zambia Report is able to go on despite constant backlash from the media is due to two reasons. First, they are supported by conspirators who are essentially thieves and mafias. These people turn any situations in their favour by hiring goons and giving bribes. Second, there is no support from government till now. Dr. Mahtani will never resort to goons to turn things his way and will never resort to illegal activities. What we can do is wait and have faith in the judicial system of Zambia to come forward and take steps against this growing corruption.