2017 African Summit Successfully Ends, Press Secretary Praises Dr. Mahtani

Zambia is a home to various businessman and industrialists. All these businessmen and industrialists who have built a successful empire across the Zambian nation have been able to achieve so with the contribution and acceptance of its people, as these are the real customers. It is, therefore, the responsibility of these businessmen to give back and contribute to the society with activities such as funding for NGOs, giving back to the communities, corporate social responsibilities etc.

While a majority of these businessmen opt for charitable or corporate social activities for improving their reputation and enhancing the brand value of their organization; very few businessmen are there who are genuinely interested in improving the economic and social status of the Zambian people while being recognized for their acts. One of them is Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani, a successful businessman, philanthropist, charity worker and one of the most transparent and honest industrialists in the 21st-century Zambian economy.

The African Summit is one of the biggest economic events that are being held in Zambia every year. The summit is a decent platform for experts from different fields to come together and discuss the burning issues or hot topic grappling the country at present. This year’s forum was also a success with a significant number of attendees and top personalities joining from various fields. After the successful completion of this meet, the Fellowship International’s Chief Secretary released a press release thanking Dr. Rajan Mahtani for his contributions to the forum. From the press release, it was clear that Dr. Mahtani funded the entire event. The Press Secretary also thanked him for his contributions and leadership during the event by participating in the activities as well as answering all queries from the youngsters.

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In spite of the conspiracies against him, Dr. Mahtani has continued and will continue to work for the welfare of the Zambian citizens and its society.