Zambia Reports Should Stop Publishing Articles Without Evidence

It is a sheer felony for any journalism house to publish articles claiming criminal intent without showcasing any evidence to support its claims. Zambia Reports has been doing exactly the same for over ten years. It is time the news channel should put an end to its mischievous activities. These activities have not only created enough trouble for Dr. Mahtani and his businesses, but also for the general population of Zambia. Innocent citizens, who rely on the news articles to know about their nation, get cheated when such fake news and scripted articles are produced on a regular basis. Lack of any government action has only increased ZR’s confidence and the news channel is not bothered about its reputation or credibility anymore.


Most of the learned citizens of Zambia are well aware regarding the reputation of both Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani as well as Zambia Reports. Dr. Mahtani is a respected and honoured businessman with more than 30 years of experience under his belt. He has not only established various organisations for serving the nation and its citizens, but has also helped in bringing foreign entities in Zambia for investment opportunities. Zambia Reports, on the other hand, is known to support the conspirators of Dr. Mahtani. Any individual or entity harbouring jealousy or hatred for Dr. Mahtani or any of his associates is invited by Zambia Reports. While the conspirators provide monetary and other incentives to the sold news channel, ZR in return produced scripted contents and publishes them on a regular basis with the objective of ruining the reputation of its targets. For instance, the administrator of ZR received free cement to build his entire mansion. In return, we saw ridiculous news articles posted against Dr. Mahtani at regular intervals.

Supporting the conspirators is a conspiracy in itself. These conspirators are responsible for corruption, fraud, poverty and economic downfall of the nation. By supporting these criminals, Zambia Reports has branded itself as one of the major villains of this nation.